How to Start Recovering After A Flood
We are sorry that your house flooded. We know that this is very sad and frustrating to walk through. Your adjuster will most likely go over this with you either verbally or in a handout, but sometimes it is confusing and/or buried with other paperwork. Here are some useful tips on how to start recovering after a flood, If you do not have Flood Insurance please review our available policy flood insurance coverage and let us know how we can help you protect your family and belongings.
Below are helpful items to help you during this process.
- Take pictures of the water marks inside the house.
- Take pictures of the water marks outside of the house.
- Dry out the area as best as possible.
- Once the water is out of the house, make sure to run the air conditioner and fans continuously.
- Contact a water mitigation/restoration company or rent dehumidifiers and fans. Contact us if you need some referrals.
- Separate the damaged contents from the undamaged contents.
- Don’t throw away anything until the adjuster can see them.
- Keep some samples 1’X1’ of anything that you tear out – drywall, carpet, flooring… for the adjuster to see.
- Take pictures of the damaged contents.
- Discuss an advance on the claim payout with the adjuster. You can only get 1 advance. The next check for the building is normally 45-60 days after the inspection. Discuss the amount of the advance with your adjuster, keep in mind any down payments for construction or demo costs that you will incur.
- The building damage payout is based on the current replacement cost.
- The contents payout is based on actual cash value, which takes the current replacement cost and depreciates it based on how old the item is. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT – when you are filling out your list of damaged contents, realize you will only receive 50-75% of the amount you list after the depreciation has been applied.
- List EVERYTHING that was damaged on your contents list – it all adds up. The adjuster should provide you with a template to use with the information that he/she needs.
- For the contents list, I would suggest to do it on the Excel spreadsheet from the adjuster or have someone type it in for you rather than handwriting it. List each item separately, rather than one total for a whole room. For items over $200, you will most likely be asked to list on the spreadsheet where you got the price from (receipt,…)
If you remember some contents later that you forgot to add to the initial list, you can send in a supplemental list to your adjuster. - IMPORTANT: Keep ALL receipts, canceled checks, photos, adjusters report, contractors’ bids, paid invoices etc. in a safe place. If you have a future flood loss, these items WILL be required in order for the new loss to get paid. You have to prove the repairs were made with the payments you received on the first flood before they will pay again for the same damage.
- If you have a mortgage on the house, get with your bank very soon after the flood. The building coverage insurance check will be made payable to you and the bank and the bank will have a process on giving out draws.
Your specific adjuster should be the first and best point of contact, but if you have questions he/she can’t answer, by all means, reach out to us.
Blackmon Mooring
(877) 730-1948
Hayden Stokes – cell (346) 302-4715
Brent Dauzat – cell (346) 255-5502
Predator Restoration (water and mold restoration only)
Ken Barnes
(281) 936-0886
(281) 608-0069
Humble/Kingwood/Woodlands – Stan Hollibaugh, (281) 358-0363
Nationwide (800) 303-5844